Our values reflect our belief that with teamwork, drive, and a deep commitment to giving our best every day, anything is possible.
From the beginning, we've been obsessed with understanding the human body.
Our founder, Lukas Becker, was a college athlete who wanted to know how training affected his body. Prone to overtraining, lack of sleep, and insufficient recovery, he couldn't understand whether he was overtraining, reaching his peak, or on the verge of injury. Even with top-notch coaching and guidance – how could he perform at his best when no one really knew what was going on inside his body?
After reading 500 medical articles, research showed that monitoring key metrics like heart rate and heart rate variability 24/7 does more than just optimize training – it can help you feel better, perform better, and live better.
Countless years of sensor development, data analysis, and capturing the nuances of human physiology led to the creation of NEXO – the most advanced wearable on the market.
NEXO measures your daily behaviors and metrics such as sleep, strain, recovery, and more to show you how they all play an interconnected role in your well-being. In fact, everything NEXO measures is scientifically proven to have the greatest impact on your performance.
Our obsession with understanding performance won't stop until everyone has reached their full potential, and since we believe potential is infinite, that means we won't be stopping anytime soon.
Unsere Besessenheit, Leistung zu verstehen, wird nicht aufhören, bis jeder sein volles Potenzial erreicht hat, und da wir glauben, dass Potenzial unendlich ist, bedeutet das, dass wir nicht so bald aufhören werden.

"The exciting thing about 24/7 measurement and the power of wearable technology is the information we have yet to discover."

Our work is based on research, design, and data protection.

At NEXO, the best idea wins.

We have a bias for action.